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Institute synopsis

  Under the grand objective of “raise educational quality and research energy; emphasize on students’ aptitude and license counseling; plan feature programs and core curriculum; connect intimately with the industry; participate in government projects; and promote international vision and overseas education” the college’s position is: “Support Taiwan’s leisure tourism hospitality industry and convention exhibition industry trends, and nourish outstanding individuals and research categories.” Our education objectives are as follows:
1. Nourish elite tourism and hospitality talents
2. Construct integrative college features
3. Strengthen internationalization and expand macroscopic vision
4. Construct an innovative and energetic benchmark college

College organization and faculty
  The college consists of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality and 4 departments: Department of Leisure and Recreational Management, Department of Food and Beverage Management, Department of Travel Management, and Department of Hotel Management. In total, there are 1 independent graduate school and 4 departments:
1. Distinguished faculty: The faculty is mainly composed of full-time assistant professor or above (professor, associate professor, and assistant professor), which represents 58.54% of the faculty. Within the next 5 years, the college will gradually raise the percentage of this group, with an aim of reaching 71.43% by 2010.
2. Strengthen practical education and recruiting part-time teachers from the industry
3. Teachers’ specialization is mainly focused in leisure, tourism, hotel, and food and beverage. Majority of the teachers also possess a second specialization, including language (English, Japanese, and Spanish), information technology, management, and human resources.  
1. Utilize special cooperation projects with the industry to develop a “theories and practices in one” characteristic.
2. Operate the thoroughness of scientific territories to develop a leading brand: “North Jin Wen, South Kaohsiung Hospitality College.”
3. Coordinate faculty and facilities, spatial resources, and a competent modularized curriculum.
4. Integrate resources and form Taiwan’s tourism and hospitality academic and research promotion hotbed.
5. This college emphasizes on the cultivation of language ability, promoting bilingual education, and features learning programs abroad.
6. Distinguished faculty, academic research ability, and live practical skill.
Future direction
  Nourish outstanding individuals and conduct researches in support of Taiwanese leisure and hospitality tourism industry’s development trends. Therefore, the college will adjust its faculty structure, pursue curriculum reform, assist students in securing licenses, strengthen school-industry collaboration and promote education, and actively develop international cooperation.
1. Faculty:
(1) Gradually raise the number of assistant professor and above faculty members each year: to support “raise education quality and research energy, emphasize on students’ aptitude and license counseling,” the college will gradually raise the number of assistant professor and above faculty members each year for the next 5 years to reach 71.43% of the faculty by 2010.
(2) Strengthen the exchange between specialized technical and industry teachers:
(3) Enhance teachers’ research ability:

2. Curriculum: In response to the industry trend changes of this college’s related territories, the direction of curriculum development is as follows:
(1) Industry’s participation in curriculum planning: promote industry specialists to participate in the curriculum planning and consulting of various departments.
(2) Design feature programs: including the aromatherapist program.
(3) Promote the college’s core and compulsory programs.
(4) Design international certification of programs.
(5) Enhance e-Learning environment.
3. Strengthen the counseling of students and license examination: In response to future career trends, strengthen the counseling of students and their ability to obtain licenses by adopting the following:
(1) Enhance teachers’ individual counseling of students’ aptitude.
(2) Counsel students in the participation of competitions and activities inside and outside of campus
(3) Counsel the obtaining of certificates
4. Aggressively develop school-industry partnership and promote education:
(1) Aggressively seek industry and government research and projects.
(2) Aggressively attract companies to establish training centers on campus.
(3) Aggressively seek government vocational training bid projects.
(4) Proactively enter the communities.
5. Strengthen international cooperation
(1) Strengthen the results of overseas internship.
(2) Strengthen cooperation with sister schools.
(3) Actively seek government subsidies.
6. Already established independent graduate school:
Establish the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality in 2008 to nourish mid to senior management personnel of tourism and hospitality industries and expand research capacity.

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